MSF Envoy: Mysterio coming to MSF, Shocker, Rhino & Vulture kit reveals

Alex Mercer

Marvel Strike Force and FoxNext’s new MSF Envoy program content creators are pleased to bring you the latest news from MSF – the kits for Shocker, Rhino & Vulture and info on another new character incoming – Mysterio.

The kits for these three Sinister Six characters are listed below as are links to videos on their kits from many of the other members of the Envoy program.

As for Mysterio, his kit and traits are still a mystery… We do know that he was featured in a Marvel games video mentioned in Mobile Gamer’s video yesterday, but outside of that little is known other than the speculation of fans and the Envoy content creators like us.

Let’s take a look at these Sinister Six character kits.




Basic – Concussion Bolt – Level 7
Attack primary target for 280% Piercing. On target Dodge, apply Assist Now to a random Sinister Six ally.
Special – Sonic Dissonance – Level 7
Generate 1 Ability Energy for self.
Apply Offense Up to self for 2 turns.
Apply Offense Up to all SINISTER SIX allies. Change Speed Bar by 80%.

Ultimate – SUBSONIC BLAST – Level 7
Attack primary and all adjacent targets for 120% Piercing.
Repeat attack using a new primary target randomly chosen from the previous secondary targets.
Repeat attack a third time using a new primary target randomly chosen from the previous secondary targets.

Passive – Vibro-Shock – Level 5
Gain 20% Armor. Gain +5% Armor per SINISTER SIX ally.
Gain 20% Damage. Gain +5% Damage per CITY HERO enemy.


MSF - RhinoRhino


Basic – Pummel – Level 7
Attack primary target for 290% damage.

Special – Furious Charge – Level 7
Gain Taunt.
Clear 1 negative effect from self and each adjacent ally. Attack primary and all adjacent targets for 350% damage.
This attack cannot be blocked.

Ultimate – Stampede – Level 7
Attack primary and all adjacent targets for 380% damage. This attack gains +20% damage per CITY HERO enemy.

Passive – Rhino Hide – Level 5
On Spawn, gain Counter.
Gain 25% Max Health per SINISTER SIX ally.
On Blind, change Speed Bar by 100%.
On Blind, clear 1 negative effect from self and each ally.




Basic – Liftoff – Level 7
Attack Primary target for 250% damage +40% additional damage per negative effect.

Special – Fight and Flight – Level 7
Attack primary and all adjacent targets for 300% + apply Slow.
If target is a CITY HERO, apply Offense Down for 2 turns.

Ultimate – Super Sonic – Level 7
Attack all enemies for 320% damage + change Speed Bar by -25%.

Passive – Scavenger – Level 5
On Spawn, fill 10% Speed Bar. Fill 10% Speed Bar per CITY HERO enemy.
On Ally Death. Gain Deflect.
On Enemy Death, change speed bar by 25%.
Gain 10% Block Chance for each CITY HERO enemy.


MSF Envoy Videos – Sinister Six Kit Reveals

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