MSF: Dark Dimension IV Walkthrough & Live Blog – Mission #13

Alex Mercer

Dark Dimension IV: Embrace Your Doom is the ultimate endgame content in Marvel Strike Force in 2021, and I begin fighting Mission #13 after a three weeks of tough battles on Mission #12. While my team not an ideal team makeup for this game mode, these Legendary characters at Gear 15 do not really fit together well anyway as I look to complete these final three boards. Keep following along as I continue to live blog my daily attempts and look to defeat the Dark Dimension to unlock Doctor Doom.


My Mission #13, Dark Dimension IV: Embrace Your Doom eligible Legendary characters:

  • Black Bolt – 157,450 power, 7 stars, 6 red – Level 80 – Gear 15 – Abilities 7-7-7-5 – Level 5 Striker
  • Ebony Maw – 151,455 power, 7 stars, 6 red – Level 80 – Gear 15 – Abilities 7-7-7-5 – Level 5 Skirmisher
  • Invisible Woman – 146,184 power, 7 stars, 6 red – Level 80 – Gear 15 – Abilities 7-7-7-5 – Level 5 Healer
  • Phoenix – 144,837 power, 7 stars, 6 red – Level 80 – Gear 15 – Abilities 7-7-7-5 – Level 4 Striker
  • Shuri – 143,228 power, 7 stars, 6 red – Level 80 – Gear 15 – Abilities 7-7-7-5 – Level 5 Healer
  • Jubilee – 142,657 power, 7 stars, 5 red – Level 80 – Gear 15 – Abilities 7-7-7-5 – Level 5 Striker
  • Nick Fury – 125,726 power, 7 stars, 5 red – Level 80 – Gear 15 – Abilities 6-6-7-5 – Level 5 Healer
  • Doctor Octopus – 123,368, 6 stars, 5 red – Level 80 – Gear 15 – Abilities 6-7-6-5 – Level 4 Healer


Dark Dimension IV: Embrace Your Doom – Mission 13

Swarm, 1.85m – 17.3m total health

08.07.21 – With 8 eligible characters, I start the battle with Black Bolt, Ebony Maw, Invisible Woman, Phoenix and Jubilee and will test these team makeups over the coming days. Swarm and Kree Noble are the Super Soldiers on this board and I start off hitting both the Mercenary Lieutenant and Doc Oc. I take out the ML rather quickly and find that Doc Oc will be a bit of a pain, but when Phoenix does her summon zap it sets up BB’s ultimate to kill him off. Phoenix takes ultimate to weaken the group and kill a Kree Noble then I take out the other KN and have just Swarm to fend off with all five of my allies alive, but barely hanging on. I gang up on Swarm and kill it off prompting 6 new enemies to arrive as 15 are left. I go right after Cyclops, but Beast proves to be the key to this group as his Heal Over Time buffs get Cyclops back to full health and this group just piles on me and pick my team apart. 15 enemies and 11.1m health remain as I go for a second battle.

Battle number two for the day sees Shuri, Nick Fury and Doc Oc joined by Phoenix and Black Bolt as I check in at 694k power. I am able to use the Nick Fury and Shuri Defense Up buffs very well and find Shuri’s Heal Block on basic is key to keeping some of these enemies from healing back up quickly, and I take out the Hydra Grenadiers first, then Baron Zemo and reinforcements arrive. Next I kill off Cyclops, but Beast continues to heal back up so I transition over to Colossus before heading back to Beast. I keep the Shuri and Fury Defense Up buffs going and a BB ultimate kills one of the two Ravager Boomers as 9 enemies remain. I land a Heal Block on Beast and that sets up the kill as BB finishes him off, then finish off the Kree Noble and other RB to bring it to 6 remaining enemies. The last group arrives with Baron Zemo and Cyclops as Super Soldiers, along with another ML, Colossus, Kree Noble and Doc Oc. The Shuri & Fury show continues and I take out the always underrated Mercenary Lieutenant first, then go after and kill Baron Zemo and the summoned Shocker. Black Bolt and Phoenix ultimates get the 4 remaining enemies to yellow health and I take them out one by one – Cyclops, then Kree Noble, Colossus and finally Doc Oc. My prize for the win is 300k gold and 10k Gold Orb Fragments.




Dark Dimension IV: Embrace Your Doom Live Blog Battles:

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