MSF: Best Iso-8 for Iron Man

Alex Mercer

Welcome to the Iso-8 guide for Iron Man, the latest in our series about the popular game Marvel Strike Force. In this series we look at the best Iso-8 enhancements for MSF characters. While some may refer to Iso-8 as simply “mods” like in other mobile games, we will look to stay true to the naming convention of the Marvel universe and the developers over at Scopely. We at certainly do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, but we do our research and look to use every hero and villain we write about extensively. These are Iso-8 recommendations based on the character’s kit and actual gameplay to help you in your quest to dominate in Marvel Strike Force. Note that these Iso-8 classes may differ from one team makeup to another, so feel free use this as guide knowing that these can change in differing situations within MSF’s gameplay.

Today’s character to review is Falcon. One of the stars in an upcoming Disney+ series, Iron Man is a Hero, Global, Tech, Blaster, Wave 1 – Avenger, Avenger, Power Armor and Legendary character in Marvel Strike Force. Let’s take a look at the stats we want to focus on enhancing with Iso-8 modifications.

Main Focus: Offense/Damage. Ironically, Iron Man appears to have the lowest value of all of the Power Armor characters, and he is even left out on the Power Armor with Ultron counter to Emmarauders. I would still focus on enhancing his Damage as Iron Man is intended to be an offensive character and I am sure he will get a rework or stat enhancement in the future.

Additional Areas to Focus: Critical Chance and Critical Damage. Critical Chance and Critical Damage are only going to add to the Offense/Damage mentioned above, and added Health will fit in well when used with Rescue‘s +15% Max Health buff for all Power Armor allies.


Ideal Iso-8 Setup for Iron Man in Marvel Strike Force:

Iron Man is a tricky one to determine the best Iso-8 class for as, if you go by turn order and how he works with the Power Armor team, he best fits as a Striker. However, if you read through his Stark Upgrades unique, he gains additional Critical Chance for each Tech ally. This would place him in the Raider class more comfortably based on the fact that Raiders gain additional Critical Chance and Critical Damage as you level the Iso-8 crystals up. As a result I think this comes down to the individual player and how you use Iron Man. If used with Wave 1 Avengers this may change things again, so utilize the Raider or Striker class as you see fit with your gameplay and use of Iron Man.


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