MSF: Best Iso-8 for Jubilee

Alex Mercer

Welcome to the Iso-8 guide for Jubilee, the latest in our series about the popular game Marvel Strike Force. In this series we look at the best Iso-8 enhancements for MSF characters. While some may refer to Iso-8 as simply “mods” like in other mobile games, we will look to stay true to the naming convention of the Marvel universe and the developers over at Scopely. We at certainly do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, but we do our research and look to use every hero and villain we write about extensively. These are Iso-8 recommendations based on the character’s kit and actual gameplay to help you in your quest to dominate in Marvel Strike Force. Note that these Iso-8 classes may differ from one team makeup to another, so feel free use this as guide knowing that these can change in differing situations within MSF’s gameplay.

Today’s character to review is Jubilee, a key member of the Astonishing X-Men (aka AXmen) team. For the purposes of MSF, Jubilee is a Legendary, Hero, Global, Mutant, Controller and a member of the X-Men and Astonishing X-Men factions. Let’s take a look at the stats we want to focus on enhancing now that Iso-8 modifications have been added to Marvel Strike Force.

Main Focus: Jubilee is a Controller who fills the role of disruptor on the AXmen team along with Kitty Pride. Neither hits terribly hard, but both spread debuffs to mess up the enemy making Focus a main stat to look to increase via Iso-8 enhancements for Jubilee. Additional Offense by adding to the Damage stat is not a bad idea either, but Focus is the main stat to add to.


Ideal Iso-8 Class for Jubilee in Marvel Strike Force:

When putting the five AXmen characters in Marvel Strike Force together there are certainly several ways to use Iso-8, however the goal here is to use it as effectively as possible. Jubilee’s 100 Speed is the slowest on the Astonishing X-Men team, but her ability to place Blind on her basic and call for assists from her teammates makes her quite dangerous. Because of the way this team is structured, and the fact that I have two Healers in the faction currently, I feel like the Striker and Raider classes are the best fit. Making her a Striker allows for her attacks to potentially come more frequently with bonus Iso-8 attacks, but the Raider class can help her hit harder with more crits while also adding more Vulnerable Iso-8 status effects to the enemies. I suggest you test Jubilee and the AXmen out and have her follow what best fits your gameplay, but Striker and Raider are where I recommend you start the testing.

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